
In this blog, I will share articles, info and tips on how to lose weight.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Your Simple Plan for Weight Loss

Today's article :

Your Simple Plan for Weight Loss
by: Paul Buckley

The math is pretty simple. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use. That's about 500 calories a day. By cutting out 500 calories a day from your normal daily diet, while keeping your activity level the same, you can lose approximately one pound a week.

All right - that doesn't sound like much, especially if you're more than 25 pounds overweight. Study after study has shown, though, that those people who lose weight gradually - at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week -are far more likely to keep the weight off and maintain a normal weight for a lifetime.

So how much exactly IS 500 calories? If you're going to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories, it helps to know what you need to cut out, right? Here's how easy it is to lose 500 calories a day:

Use milk instead of cream in your coffee. Savings? 50 calories per cup.

Skip the butter on your baked potato. Savings? 100 calories

Drink fruit-flavored water instead of a 16 ounce soda. Savings? 200 calories

Skip the Big Mac and have a salad instead. A Big Mac weighs in at a whopping 460 calories. A fresh salad with a light dressing? Less than 100! Savings? 360 calories

Pass by the bag of potato chips. An average snack size bag of chips has over 300 calories. Savings? 300 calories

Eat your corn on the ear. A 1 cup serving of canned corn has 165 calories. An ear of corn has 85. Savings? 80 calories.

Switch to low-fat cream cheese on your bagel. Savings? 90 calories per ounce.

Love those fries and can't give them up? Swap the skinny fries out for thick steak-cut ones. Thin French fries absorb more oil than the thicker, meatier ones. Savings? 50 calories per 4 ounce serving

If you'd rather look at losing weight from an exercise perspective, you can also lose one pound a week by upping your activity level by 500 calories a day. How easy is that to do? Take a look:

Take a half-hour walk around the park. Aim for a pace that's a little faster than a stroll, but not fast enough to be breathless. Burn: 160 calories.

Get out your bike and take a ride. Tackle a few moderate hills and aim for about five miles total. Burn: 250 calories

Go dancing - and really DANCE. The longer you're out on the floor instead of at the table drinking up high-calorie drinks, the more you'll get out of it. Dancing that makes you breathless and warms up your body will net you a nice calorie savings. Burn: 400 calories for one hour

Swimming is great for you, and a lot of fun, too. The water resistance means you burn more calories, and you avoid the stress impact on joints from aerobics, dancing or walking. Do a few laps at a slow crawl - if you can get up to an hour you'll be doing great! Burn: 510 calories

Get out into your garden. An hour of gardening tasks that includes bending and stretching can burn up to as many calories as a brisk walk. Burn: 250 calories.

Play a game of tennis. Hook up with a friend for a weekly tennis game and you'll be amazed at the difference. One hour of vigorous tennis is one of the best calorie burners around. Burn: 800 calories

It's important to keep in mind that all exercise/calorie numbers are based on a woman weighing 130 pounds. If you weigh more, you'll burn more. Want an added bonus to burning calories through exercise? When you exercise, you build muscle by converting it from fat. Three guesses which kind of body tissue burns more calories - even when you're not exercising. You got it - your body uses more energy to maintain and feed muscle than it does fat.

For best results, mix and match food savings with exercises that burn calories. Do keep in mind that eating less than 1000 calories a day for more than a few days will convince your body that it's starving and slow your metabolism. Keep calorie ranges reasonable, and consult a doctor if you want a quicker, more drastic weight loss.

Paul Buckley-for much more weight loss information visit The Healthy Diet Zone at http://www.healthydietzone.com

Thank you. Come again tomorrow for new tip.

Husni Husain.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Here's the Key to Weight Loss Success!

Today's article :

Here's the Key to Weight Loss Success!
by: Shawn LeBrun

Here's the difference between successful weight loss and unsuccessful results. In just a moment, I am going to give you the key that will unlock any fitness goal you may have now or any fitness goal you may have in the future.

It is the secret to permanent weight loss, muscle gain, and superb health.

No magic, no potions, no screaming "Eureka, I've Found It!"

No fluff, just a fact.

Are you ready for this secret, the one that will unlock any wish or desire you may have regarding fitness, weight loss, muscle gain...etc.

O.K. here it comes. Want to sit down for it?

The key to everlasting weight(fat) loss is:

------------------ **You choose it!** ------------------


Yes, weight loss, muscle gain, any fitness goal you may have is simply a choice that you make.

In fact, I could end this article with that said (some of you probably wish that I would ;-)

Anything you want in life, any goal or desire can be yours if you simply choose to go after it.

Things just do not fall into place naturally and without effort.

Yes, they do fall, just not where you want them to.

You must first "think" of what it is you want and then choose to go after it.

And if you do not get what you want?

Try it again.

Forget blame.

Forget victim talk.

Forget excuses.

If you want it, choose to get it.

After you choose it, if you are persistent enough and work hard enough, whatever you wish for can be yours.

Want to lose some body fat? Choose to.

Want to gain some muscle and increase your strength? Choose to.

Increase flexibility? Eat better? Choose to.

Life boils down to a series of choices.

The better choices you make, the better your life will be.

You can choose to slim down and fit into those jeans or you can choose that piece of cheesecake.

You can choose to get behind the wheel after drinking or you can choose to hand the keys to a friend.

Some of the choices you make have a long lasting and dramatic impact on your life forever.

Regarding weight loss, muscle gain, and fitness, how can you make sure that you are making choices that will help your efforts, not hurt them?

Easy, follow a plan of action that has already helped many others achieve their long lasting fitness and weight loss goals.

Over the years, I have learned precisely what needs to be done to lose weight and gain muscle.

Now, I am able to save my clients valuable time by cutting out their trial and error, having them focus solely on the things that produce results.

Bottom line, if you choose to go after something, you can be assured that it's within your reach because others have already accomplished it.

Any problem that you may face in life, chances are that someone has faced it and has already battled and conquered it.

Just follow what it is they did to come out on top.

If losing some weight (fat) is one of your priorities, you can rest assured that many others have already done it.

So the question of whether or not it's possible is not an issue.

It's just your turn to go get it.

I leave you on this note:

**The choices we make dictate the lives we lead**.

Where you are today is the result of all the choices you have made up to this point.

If you want better, you must make better choices. You can either move ahead or stay behind.

The choice is yours.

About the Author

Shawn LeBrun is one of the internet's most publised fitness and weight loss coaches. Visit his site to see how he can make this the year you achieve your best body ever!

See you tomorrow for more tips. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

5 Easy Steps To Help You Lose Weight


Everyday I will post new article about weight loss tips. You have to check this blog everyday if you want free info on how to lose weight. Why am I doing this? Because I'm also overweight, so instead of reading and learning how to lose weight alone, why don't I share with others. Today's article :

5 Easy Steps To Help You Lose Weight
by: Amie Grelowski

When loosing weight, most of us don't have the time to drastically change our lifestyles. We need a practical and convenient way to integrate effective habits into our daily lives. The following steps are easy and practical ways to get you on the track to loosing weight and feeling better.

1. Drink Water! Water doesn't just help quench your thirst. All metabolic processes within the body utilize H2O and drinking plenty of it helps your body function optimally. It also helps you feel your best---many of the common daily headaches and fatigues we experience can result from a lack of water intake.

2. Eat Breakfast! Many Americans fail to realize the true value of a morning meal. It not only boosts energy for the long day ahead, but keeps your metabolism regulated. Skipping a meal can put the body into "survival mode" which means that it actually begins storing and saving fat as opposed to burning it.

3. Exercise! There is no easy way around it: successful and sustained weight loss requires a commitment to physical activity. The best way to be loyal to physical activity is to work it into each day. Take a small part of each day to go for a walk, do aerobics, do yoga, or whatever other type of activity you enjoy. Mix it up so that you don't get bored with it. Soon, you will not only get used to it, but you will feel better too!

4. Choose Variety! Don't let popular dieting trends fool you: Carbs are good for you too! In fact, carbohydrates are what your brain run on and are very important for proper body functions. Following a high-protein diet over a long period of time can not only cause headaches, but also places considerable stress on the kidney. The important thing is to eat a variety of foods. This includes fruits, vegetables and even carbs. Just remember to be smart about the types of carbs you eat:: whole wheat instead of white.

5. Eat Slowly! We all get in a hurry from time to time, but it is important to take the time to listen to our bodies. Eating quickly doesn't give our bodies time to tell our brains that we have eaten enough. Consequently, we continue eating and are left filling stuffed and bloated. Eating more slowly allows us to recognize when we actually have eaten enough and stop-it also helps us savour and enjoy the food we do eat.

Essential to loosing weight is giving our bodies what they need. This means drinking plenty of water, eating timely and proper meals, staying active, and giving our body the time to tell us when it is full. Our bodies will reward us for our attention.

Amie Grelowski writes for Hoodia-Dietpills.com (
http://www.hoodia-dietpills.com). Learn more about Hoodia Gordonii
products at http://www.hoodia-dietpills.com/what-is-hoodia-gordonii.htm

Thank you and don't forget to visit my other blogs :

http://sharinee-free-recipe.blogspot.com - my wife's blog that gives free recipe.

My other sites :

http://community.adlandpro.com/go/husni/ - this one you can read details about me.